When we first arrived there was a neighbor man Feeding the ducks dogfood, the next day we went out to the local wal-mart and got us some too...Owen was quite the duck feeder!
It wasn't long before Owen discovered all the fishing poles left outside and started casting away!
Owen's First Fish - He's so very proud!
Owen and cousin "Wesey" checking out the bait caught earlier that day!
My little "toddler ninja turtle" taking a break at the pool - this wasn't worn to learn how to swim, nope, it was purely for safety purposes, he has no fear of the water, jumps right in!
Owen and Papa getting ready for a boat ride!
Daddy and Owen jumped in the lake, clothes and all, to cool off!
Mom and Dad going to check out a house for sale on the lake
The Lopez's - my sis Jackie, bro-in-law Dennis and nephew Patrick (yep, he's on the phone calling to see what was for breakfast!) - they had been out since 5:00am.
Mel caught this 60lb. catfish on a homemade jugline - it was the big daddy he'd been hoping for!
And he sure did fillet it, fry it and eat it up!
This is us enjoying the catfish...we shared many meals on this table, it was just the right size for us all!
Dennis very proud of his catch - 12lb. bass!
Like father like son - not quite 12lbs., but still just as proud!
This was taken on the last day - all packed and ready to hit the road home! (Mel's missing, he's taking the pic - still haven't figured out how to set my timer!)
We're so surprised, we can't hardly believe it's the last day here!
And we're so very sad, 'cause we didn't want to leave!